Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Borrowing money faster

Sometimes borrowing money from your clients fast ends up succumbing your dignity to the creditor party. In some cases, if it is a very huge sum, you need to give it a serious thought; as long for small amounts, your need to devise ways of fast borrowing from your creditor. The faster you can complete your deal, the wittier you are.

1. Credit card transactions have been the most lucrative of all forms of deals because of its readiness, comfort and time-saving factors. But charging against your own credit uncontrollably or unscrupulously and non businesslike may not be cumbersome, but paying off the charges and pending amounts after it has been scrutinized will be time-consuming and panicky.

2. You can find a lot of Internet parties ready to lend you but they offer considerably low flexibility and stiffen the time bound for payment of the high-interest cash advances. Also an Internet transaction helps in that it is scuffle-free and is done with readability and in less congestive environment. But a cash-advance store in your locality will provide you much flexibility to pay off.

3. Your own family can rescue from a prospective dilemma of paying it off, because they are the least likely people to charge you with any kind of interest and quick turnaround borrow is also beneficial from them. Usually a sibling comes to the help faster and reliably. Its more because they are your most-trusted allies.

4. If you are a stalwart in your field, do not hesitate to make a request to your senior or your boss in business or your profession. He/she is also the person you can borrow money with least interest and a favorable period of return. If you are loyal and hardworking enough, your boss will be happy to help you out in this matter.

5. Debiting from your bank in matter of brief period and medium amounts, will fetch you the most feasible option for borrowing. Some loans can be drawn most conveniently from the bank which will serve a temporary dislocation of your own savings. For example, if you withdraw as a loan or overdraft of $5550 for your medical expenses or share market that you can fill up within the span of a few days, then the bank is a ready option.

6. If you are good verbal communicator, then things may turn your way if you can simply coax your creditor in his/her/its goodwill for the extension of your payment date. You have to have a stably fine prior relationship with your creditor in order to make this subtle request.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

In debt? The basic bank account solution

Having debts to repay can feel like a major additional strain on your finances, especially during times like these, when many of us are having to stick to tight budgets. Taking steps to ensure you can make your monthly debt repayments can improve your financial confidence, and reduce the likelihood of racking up bank charges, damaging your credit rating and/or facing County Court Judgments (CCJs) or other legal action. 

If you're repaying debts and want to improve your financial secaurity, getting a basic bank account could help you to budget for all your monthly costs and steer clear of unexpected fees and charges. Even if you've had debt problems in the past, a basic bank account should still be open to you - and could make it easier to get your finances back on the strait and narrow. 

Two ways a basic bank account could help you with debt:

1. They're open to everyone*

If you've had problems with your finances in the past, you may have damaged your credit rating. If you've defaulted on a loan or missed debt repayments, for example, this can appear on your credit file - and it'll remain there for six years. Some banks feel that customers with poor credit histories are too risky, and will often refuse to let them open a standard bank account. 

However, basic bank accounts won't turn you down for having a bad credit rating (as they wouldn't give you access to any form of credit, e.g. an overdraft or credit card). So your financial past shouldn't hold you back from sorting out your debts in the present - after all, simply having a bank account can make it so much easier to make and receive payments and budget more effectively - and that's a key part of repaying the money you owe. 

* Basic bank accounts typically require you to be at least 18 years of age and a UK resident. Many of them may not be available if you're an undischarged bankrupt.

2. They could help you avoid more debt

Getting a bit of extra help with your finances may be high on your list of priorities if you've had debt problems in the past. Some basic bank accounts offer help with budgeting, by dividing your money up into separate accounts: one for your essential bills (such as your utilities and Council Tax) and another for your 'spending money'. An example of this type of basic bank account can be found here.  

Setting aside enough money for your essential costs should help you steer clear of spending on luxuries when you can't really afford it. This can help you avoid the kind of mistakes you may feel you've made in the past with your money. 

Everyone has different requirements when looking for a bank account, so it's important to research what options are available. Using comparison websites and/or speaking directly to bank account providers could be a good place to start.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Do You Need Business Insurance?

The basic reason to carry any type of insurance is for the peace of mind it provides. Knowing you're financially protected in the event something terrible happens can be well worth the cost. Owning a business has enough headaches, you don't need the added stress of worrying about a potential disaster. Although paying the premiums may strain your budget, it would probably be a good investment--if for no other reason than the peace of mind.

Litigation Runs Rampant

An unfortunate aspect of modern life is that we live in a litigious society. It seems like some people are ready to sue at the drop of a hat, for any number of seemingly insignificant reasons. As a business owner, you are a target for them. You are seen as rich because you own property and produce a product or provide a service. It's sort of a modern day share the wealth point of view. You need to be financially protected from that kind of person.

Legitimate Claims

Keep in mind that there may be legitimate reasons for a claim or lawsuit to be brought against you. Accidents do happen, and people get hurt. No matter how safe you try to make your property, it's possible for someone to slip and fall. You can take every step you can possibly think of to ensure your product is safe, and someone may still be injured while using it. Although you may have instituted the very latest in safety measures for producing your product, someone could still be injured on the job. It doesn't matter how well trained you are, or how carefully you fulfill your professional obligations, it's possible that someone may not react the way they should to your services, and you could be named in a malpractice suit. The list of potential problems is endless.

Better Safe than Sorry?

There are many factors to consider when you try to make up your mind about whether or not to carry business insurance. The more conservative you are, the more likely you'll be to err on the side of caution. Better safe than sorry, right? It's a smart approach. The potential for financial disaster far outweighs the price of business insurance. That is the feeling of the majority of business owners, especially those who actually have adequate insurance coverage. Knowing you will still have a business even after a disaster or devastating law suit can help you sleep at night so you can operate your business efficiently, and with a clear conscious.

Types of Business Liability Insurance

There are four basic types of business liability insurance available, although you can get coverage for nearly any eventuality. The fundamental types are general liability, product liability, professional liability, and discrimination liability. Each will cover you for specific aspects of the business.

Mandatory Coverage

There are a couple of types of insurance that are mandatory, depending on your circumstances. If you have a certain number of employees, which varies from state to state, you will have to carry workman's compensation. If vehicles are used within your business you must have business vehicle insurance. Certain professional people, such as doctors, are required to carry errors and omissions coverage, usually called malpractice insurance.

Purchasing Business Insurance

There are many other types of business insurance you can get to protect yourself, and you have a choice as far as the amount of insurance to carry, as well as how much deductible. Consult with a business planner, an attorney, or your accountant to decide on how much and what type of insurance to carry. Discuss the possibilities with your insurance agent as well. With your security at stake it would be wise to study your options and weigh the pros and cons before deciding against carrying business insurance. If you are worried about the cost, get several different business insurance quotes. Costs can vary from company to company and may not be as high as you think they are.

Guest post from Bailey Harris. Bailey enjoys writing about business, insurance, finance, and related topics.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

7 Smart tips on refinancing home loan

A lot of people consider refinancing their home loan to take advantage of lower interest rates. Refinancing can indeed save you a lot of money, but it can be a complicated business too. So remember the following tips before you put your right foot forward:

  1. Exit fees: Carefully check the terms and conditions of the existing loan before you decide to refinance. This is because some lenders will impose penalties if you leave before the loan term is over. This is known as exit fees. Heavy penalties in the form of exit fees might render refinancing meaningless. Exit fees might vary depending upon how long you have had the loan.

  2. Shop for the best lender: You have no obligation to refinance by borrowing from your current lender. Contact multiple lenders in order to get yourself the best deal. You can also contact mortgage brokers to know current mortgage refinance rates. Compare the rates and make sure that you do not end up accepting the first offer that comes your way.

  3. Do not ignore your existing lender: Sometimes staying with your current lender can be the best decision. You might approach them saying that you have got great refinancing offers from other lenders. To keep your business, they might come up with a good offer.

  4. Settle for nothing less than what you want: You are willing to take the trouble because you are not happy with the current rate or mortgage terms. But refinancing involves a lot of complications. So do not agree to anything less than your expectations. Remember that you can’t refinance again for a certain period of time.

  5. Consider the extra costs involved with refinancing: There might be a host of extra fees associated with refinancing. These include closing costs, exit fees etc. Take these fees into account and then decide if it is viable to refinance your home loan.

  6. Borrowing from home equity: If you have some equity in your home then borrowing against home equity is often a pretty effective idea. Refinancing with a home equity loan usually results in a low interest rate and longer repayment period. Both will suit you perfectly. Also note that many people take a debt consolidation loan to refinance their mortgage.

  7. Home loan professionals: If you are not too confident about refinancing yourself then consider hiring a home loan professional. He will analyze your situation, find you the best deal, and do all the work on your behalf. Life will get a lot easier for you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Veteran Business Loan

“Don't simply retire from something; have something to retire to”. - Harry Emerson Fosdick

Retirement can prove to be the golden period of one’s life, provided one pre-plans it properly. When you do not have a regular inflow of money, you might confront hard days to even meet your two ends. Hence it’s better that you set a business so as to support your means. There are lots of sources available for veterans to fund your business including both private and federal funds.

Below are some of the tips that would help you to get a business loan:

Prior to asking for a business loan, decide few things like the type of business you want to take up, the amount of money you need to set it up. Make a list of all possible loans; figure out your income and expenses, and revenues, the cash in your hand about the market and competition.

It is advisable to apply for both veteran and non-veteran loan. This is because you may qualify for one and not all. You can opt for the “Patriot Express Pilot Loan initiative” from the Small Business Administration (SBA). To know more about all options, you can visit the SBA site. The maximum available amount is $500,000.

Visit the website of the International Franchise Association, VetFran.com. This offer is especially meant for the veterans with available discounts and is supported by franchises. Go through the requirements thoroughly and apply for the most suitable.

Refer to several modules available on the business and loan information which will assist you well to create your won business. Thus a deeper understanding of al these will enable you to achieve success in the long run.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Can Bankruptcy be a Solution to Tax Debts?

“A man in debt is so far a slave.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ever since the bankruptcy reform of 2005, Chapter 13 bankruptcy remains the last resort for most of the debtors. This proves to be very difficult to shed off the tax debts. Perhaps the debtor needs to meet certain criterions in order to qualify for the chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

A debtor opts for the chapter 13 bankruptcy with an aim to enter a repayment plan instead of discharging the debts. The Internal Revenue Service can assuage a portion of your tax debts. In chapter 13 bankruptcy the debtor has to pay off al the existing debts. If the income of the debtor is higher than the median income of the state, he cannot be eligible for the chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

The chapter 7 bankruptcy helps in discharging your debts by selling some of your non-exempted assets. A trustee would be appointed by the court, who would be responsible to carry on with the procedure. He sells off the assets and disburses the amounts to pay off the debts. The debt which is discharged is then forgiven.

Debt that are Discharged

Generally, the debts that are eradicated by bankruptcy are considered by the IRS as taxable income. Hence it can create a tax burden to a debtor. However, the IRS does not take the tax debts that are already discharged as income which eventually does not lead to new tax debts.